4 Takeaways to be a Better Mom

You all. I'm the luckiest always. But yet I'm so stupid. I rarely talk nearly my sisters on here, and that could quite possibly be the stupidest thing I have e'er done. (Well, I did mail a picture of three of u.s.a. at my sons 3rd birthday party here, just that's all I've managed to accomplish. Insert "shame" emoji here.)

There are no words to describe, so today I constitute the PERFECT opportunity to show you lot only how genuine and fabulous, ane of the two fantabulous sissy's I have… really is.

Today I received a notification on my phone that my sis Jill, updated her status on her Facebook folio. (Yes, I have my sisters and my mom marked as "favorites," and that I want to know any and EVERY time they mail something on Facebook. I'm a little crazy nigh them like that.)

 When I opened up the Facebook app, I had NO idea what I was about to read. I figured it was a sweet quote from my niece and nephew, or a profound bible poetry that my sister read today in her daily devotion. No. What I was almost to read, was getting ready to give me an overwhelming feeling of how to be a amend mom, everyday.

four Takeaways to be a Better Mom

ways to be a better mom

I can't echo it in my own words, and I would never try. So with her permission… here's her story. You lot'll love her, as much as I do…

From my Sister:

"So moms, since sharing is caring, below are a few rambling thoughts and some takeaways from my reading this past calendar week…

In the book of John, John tells us that Jesus went to a nuptials. Now, leading upwardly to this, Jesus had begun gathering his disciples, but he hadn't really yet begun his teaching or proclaiming who he was. [Though John the Baptist had been declaring that Jesus was the Messiah, Jesus hadn't begun HIS active ministry yet.] ANYway…back to the wedding…

Jesus' mom, Mary, was besides at the party. At one point she walked up to Jesus and told him "they are out of wine." To that, Jesus' response was basically, "Ma, I know what y'all're thinking, and you lot know information technology'due south non fourth dimension yet for me to start doin' my thang." (If you don't sympathize my Urban Lingo Version, read the NIV.)

So what does the mother of Jesus do? Does she say "oh ok, sure matter dearest; I understand."?

She walks over to the workers at the nuptials and says, "Do whatever he tells you to do" and walks off.
I get quite the chuckle outta picturing Jesus just continuing there in the corner with his arms held upwards in a "are yous kidding me?" way with a big grin on his face, knowing HE'S THE SON OF GOD BUT Obviously WHATEVER MAMA SAYS GOES.

So then, on the down-low, Jesus goes over and turns the H2o into high-quality VinO. But the disciples and the workers knew what he did.
And they believed in Him.

Then here are my takeaways…

  1.  Mary was the bomb.com, and I wish very much we could be friends. (I'm totally looking forward to meeting her in Heaven, and request her if we can be besties. I don't fifty-fifty like the word 'besties', only for her, I'thousand using it.)
  2. Mary knew how to keep a party going. I respect that.
  3. Mary and Jesus were close. It's clear to me that they had a special mother-son bond…a tight relationship that I'd like to think was congenital from long talks, education moments, and crude days made better with love and understanding.
  4. Moms: God the Begetter gives us groovy authority over our children. If the mother of the Son of God gave the nod for the first phenomenon, what a reminder that we are entrusted with so much more than just trying to keep our kids live, bathed, fed, educated, and "well-rounded". They are hardly simply the bodies they are living in. They are the breath of God, His thought in physical form, a purpose with a heartbeat. And the enemy is later them. So while daily vitamins, showers, and twenty-minutes of AR-book reading are all fine & great, if we vow to do annihilation daily for them, allow it be praying for them. Let it exist reading scripture to them, and over them. Showing them what grace looks like when the globe shows judgment. Let it be making much of Jesus.


Recall: equally Uncle Ben told Peter Parker, "With great power comes great responsibleness." (If you don't know who Uncle Ben and Peter Parker are, please don't practise a Bible search for them.)

Then in those moments (like the 47 moments today) when I desire to blindside my head against the wall and scream similar a person who should exist institutionalized (which I merely did one time), may the Spirit whisper this reminder to me: Nosotros may non be mothering Jesus, but we are the mothers of His hands and feet.

As Ephesians vi:4 tells me, I can't keep scolding and nagging my children, making them aroused and resentful. Rather, I must bring them up with the loving discipline the Lord himself approves, with suggestions and godly advice (Living Bible translation).

I can't act similar a COO and pretend that my children are my employees or projects. Instead, I desire to cultivate a relationship with my children and rear them in the knowledge of God.

"I accept no greater joy than to hear that my children are walking in the truth." 3 John i:iv



how to be a good mom

Seriousness. I'm not EVEN going to effort to follow up with something clever and cute. I just want to let it all soak in.

how to be a better mom


Source: https://fantabulosity.com/4-takeaways-to-be-a-better-mom/

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